What is the specific problem you are addressing?
The problem that we are addressing are 1) climate change 2) Handling of all types of organic waste from industries and towns to avoid pollution from these waste 3) To increase the share of renewable energy compared to fossil fuel energy 4) Increase the use of Biofuel in transport compared to fossil fuel 5) Social economic upliftment of the people by creating /providing jobs.
What is your offering and how does it transform/disrupt the energy sector?
Our Offering is the proven, time tested technologies for converting all types of waste in to biogas at very high conversion ratio. Our technologies ZPHB®. BioCNG®, BioClean® & BioPower® are our major offerings. These technologies with huge reference of successful projects has the potential of creating disruption. BioPower® for generating power from waste BioCNG® for generating biofuel from waste Our another offering is generating Carbon Credits (CER) from our projects Creating circular economy: Our technologies offer complete Circular economy. Infact all the cities and industries waste if treated can generate energy sufficient to sustain the energy requirement of each city, thus making the cities sustainable and circular economy.
What is the underlying technology that you are using?
Waste to energy projects, involve our proven technologies ZPHB® (Zero Pollution & Higher Biogas), ZPHB®-G, ZPHB®-S, ZPHB®-A, ZPHB®-P, BioPOWER®, BioCLEAN® AND BioCNG®. These are designed for higher solid retention time, complete homogenisation, higher methane and biogas generation and less operating cost. KIS Group is the only one technology provider in South East Asia providing complete solutions with CDM for Palm Oil Mill Effluents & other Industrial wastewater.
What are the partnerships that you are seeking?
1) TO DEVELOP EPC PROJECTS AND SUPPLY OUR TECHNOLOGIES TO OWNERS AND PROJECT DEVELOPERS 2) DESIGN, BUILD AND OPERATE (DBO) / JOINT VENTURE (JV) KIS Group will partner with the customers to execute the project. The joint venture/partnership is as per the contract agreed by the customers. This is a major advantage for customers as the onus lies on the KIS Group. The responsibility for the plant first passes to the customer after a predetermined operational phase. Customers are trained thoroughly with a manual. Later the support from the staff of KIS Group will be available 24/7 with some nominal paid service charges which will be a huge benefit to the customers. 3) BOT (BUILD OPERATE AND TRANSFER) / BOOT (BUILD OWN OPERATE & TRANSFER) KIS Group has both designing capabilities and manufacturing expertise. KIS Group would invest in designing, construction, installation and running the plant on customers site. The duration of the project is 10-30 years of the period of running the plant based on the agreement and then the customer has the option of taking over the plant. The terms can be negotiated based on the customers interest in the project. A project company is set up to perform certain specified activities. Entire/ part financing for the construction of a new plant and/or the rehabilitation or extension of an existing plant is done by the customers and project developer together.