Ailesh Power

What is the specific problem you are addressing?

As we know that the availability of conventional energy like oil and coal has declined with 3% per year in decline rate. Indonesia government has proposed an energy diversification program, but it’s only 3.3% of its potential has optimized. So we try to find another biomass resources, and we get the fact that there are 10.000 tons of empty fruit bunch as a waste of palm oil industry are just left and causing instability on environment and ecosystem.

Ailesh Power present to help on planning, assessing, managing, developing, and optimizing that waste to be utilized into a finished product, especially for biomass product.

Brikos, as our solution, is a briquette made from empty fruit bunch and emerged from our environmentally conscious of local communities in the surrounding area. Garut, as our first project, has an oil palm plantation in the south area named Tegalgede. Almost 300 people from the local community at those areas worked as farmer and farm-worker with a lower wage than minimum regional wages in Garut or West Java. Therefore their workload is not equal with how much wages they received. So we try to solve the waste by utilizing it into Brikos product and would involve local communities by training, mentoring, and monitoring them as operation management of Brikos production.

What is your offering and how does it transform/disrupt the energy sector?

We are offering engineering services on biomass development, covering feasibility studies conception, starting up of small scale biomass production, and empowering the local community in surrounding project site. We are focusing on the emerging energy of tomorrow by optimizing industrial waste management by considering local people development on the project site to empower them on our biomass production as operational management. Our product named BriKos, a briquette made from empty fruit bunch as a waste of palm oil industry. That is a future resource for biomass product. This product can be used for the clean heating process in the big industries such as the pulp industry, petrochemical industry, cement industry, biomass power plant, etc. Actually, this product also can replace or minimize the dependence of coal and fossil fuel.

What is the underlying technology that you are using?

There is no chemical solution for our production process. We passed six technical processes started from grinding until packaging. Our raw material is full of industrial waste utilization which are 70% of empty fruit bunch (solid waste), 30% of palm shell (solid waste), and POME (liquid waste) as gluten for reinforcement. Our biomass product, BriKos, a has granule-shaped with supporting tools for production facilities like granulator and sieve that is appropriate to be implemented in micro-scale (household) and macro-scale (Industry).

What are the partnerships that you are seeking?

Actually, we need some support and partnership in order to develop our startup. Now we are prototyping and doing a pilot test, so for this point, we really need a kind of partnership with an investor to enlarge our opportunity in funding for our capital expenditure and product development. We are also seeking another opportunity to get a partner in the global scope so it can enlarge our network and affiliation as a mentor or business partner. The last is to penetrate our global market in US and Europe, which are potential for being our target customer; it includes marketing strategy and customer relationship in the making.

Katarina Hasbani