Mariangiola Fabbri



Head of Research at Buildings Performance Institute Europe (BPIE)

TOPICS OF INTEREST : Energy efficiency (buildings, products, building renovation passports, digital logbook, home energy rating and labelling), renovation, EU Green Deal, EU policy

WHICH TECHNOLOGY HAS THE POTENTIAL TO DISRUPT THE CURRENT STATUS QUO IN YOUR FIELD? Prefabricated materials for building renovation and probably some technology that I don't know yet!

VISIONS FOR THE FUTURE OF ENERGY : Energy is a transformational and valuable service, not a commodity we can waste.

EXCITING CURRENT PROJECTS : Many, focusing on buildings performance, buildings as micro-energy hubs and positive energy neighbourhoods.

WHAT WOULD YOU HAVE LIKED TO KNOW WHEN YOU STARTED YOUR CAREER IN ENERGY? Be prepared, be bold and be patient. I was often the only (young) woman in the room when I started and very often overlooked or underestimated because of it. I used it to my own advantage and took time to observe and understand the dynamics (personal and professional) around me, took note of people's arguments, attitudes and reactions and consciously decided how to interact with them. Learning how to speak in public and timing my interventions were a game changer: I was working in a well known NGO, so I had an audience and many opportunities to speak. It took a while to overcome the impostor syndrome, but I seized the day and ran with it.

Katarina Hasbani