Natasha Allen

Natasha Allen


founder of mee panyar

TOPICS OF INTEREST : Rural Electrification, Grassroots Electrification, Mini-grid Operations and Maintenance, Workforce Training

WHICH TECHNOLOGY HAS THE POTENTIAL TO DISRUPT THE CURRENT STATUS QUO IN YOUR FIELD? Improved remote sensing, Battery storage, and Affordable energy-efficient appliances.

VISIONS FOR THE FUTURE OF ENERGY : Sustainable and equitable energy for all.

EXCITING CURRENT PROJECTS : I am currently supporting rural grassroots mini-grid operators in Myanmar to provide accessible funding for system improvements and skills for effective operation and maintenance.

WHAT WOULD YOU HAVE LIKED TO KNOW WHEN YOU STARTED YOUR CAREER IN ENERGY? Only 30% of a solution to user problems is technology. To fully solve the rest of the user problems, it is essential to understand challenges and leverage on the strengths within the context of the problems. This is why it is important to always listen first.