Emily McAteer
ceo & founder of odyssey energy solutions
TOPICS OF INTEREST : Data and Financing in the mini-grid sector
WHICH TECHNOLOGY HAS THE POTENTIAL TO DISRUPT THE CURRENT STATUS QUO IN YOUR FIELD? At Odyssey, we believe that smart data analytics is essential in moving more capital into the mini-grid sector.
VISIONS FOR THE FUTURE OF ENERGY : 100% access to Clean Energy, A match of the right technology to the right customer.
EXCITING CURRENT PROJECTS : About 18 months ago, I launched my company, Odyssey. We are a data platform with the goal to facilitate rapid deployment of mini-grids into emerging markets. We can do this by streamlining the project development and financing process, and to also manage end-to-end mini-grid portfolio data.
WHAT WOULD YOU HAVE LIKED TO KNOW WHEN YOU STARTED YOUR CAREER IN ENERGY? Starting your own venture is the best way to learn and grow in your own career. You just have got to figure things out!