The Barell

What is the specific problem you are addressing?

Saving costs and increasing operational efficiency for the shipowners when fuelling their fleet.

What is your offering and how does it transform/disrupt the energy sector?

The Barell is a marketplace for international shipowners to source fuelling services directly from licensed suppliers in major ports. We bring digital transformation into traditional marine fuelling business, which will make the industry more transparent, efficient and contribute to the transition to cleaner fuels.

What is the underlying technology that you are using?

A fully digital platform that allows shipowners to:
• request bunkering in Singapore online;
• get near-to-real time offers from participating licensed bunker suppliers;
• digitalise document flow;
• optimise and control the bunker fuel delivery;
• get access to credit lines and payment processing..

What are the partnerships that you are seeking?

Customers: shipowners and ship management companies willing to start sourcing fuel directly from the suppliers in Singapore Suppliers: bunker fuel suppliers and craft operators licensed by MPA in Singapore Investors: investors familiar with the industry or focusing on B2B.

Katarina Hasbani