NewGen GAS

What is the specific problem you are addressing?

Storing natural gas in safe, cost-effective way for energy security.

What is your offering and how does it transform/disrupt the energy sector?

We have a revolutionary solidified natural gas (SNG) process based on gas hydrate technology that stores natural gas in non-explosive ice-like structures. SNG process reduces the capital cost of the existing industrial benchmarks by 30 % while delivering safe natural gas storage. Our target customers are power plants and industrial users and our beachhead market is small scale power plants in Asia region.

What is the underlying technology that you are using?

Our SNG process is based on gas hydrate technology that can capture natural gas in ice-like structures thereby making safe storage possible. Hydrates can be stored at atmospheric pressure and -20 to 0 Deg C eliminating cryogenic requirement of LNG and high pressure requirement of CNG. Natural gas can be obtained back by melting the hydrates and the melted solution is recycled in the process.

What are the partnerships that you are seeking?

We are looking for industrial partners for scale-up pilot testing.

Katarina Hasbani