Taka Solutions
What is the specific problem you are addressing?
Energy efficiency in buildings and homes.
What is your offering and how does it transform/disrupt the energy sector?
Buildings account for approximately 40% of the world's energy consumption and most buildings consume twice as much energy as they should. Our mission has been to simply reduce the world's energy consumption by 20%
We provide comprehensive, turn-key engineering and technology solutions to give building owners the information and technology they need to reduce their energy consumption and carbon footprint. We do all of this via an innovative paid-from-savings model so our customer's do not pay any upfront costs. The biggest barrier to energy retrofits is financing - our solution overcomes that barrier. As the only fully-financed ESCo in the region, no one else can make the same impact as we can.
What is the underlying technology that you are using?
We deploy a wide range of technology solutions; anything from BIM to chillers. As we are truly vendor agnostic, we will only use the right tech for the right projects.
What are the partnerships that you are seeking?
As we are beginning to shed the shell of a startup company, and we have secured strong financial investment, the partnerships in which we would be interested are ones which would allow us to develop the technology available to us. Currently, we can save up to 50% of a buildings energy consumption, but by developing technology further, we would be able to increase this figure and make a bigger impact on our projects and the industry.